What you need to know about Hereditary Diseases


A hereditary disease is any condition caused by abnormality in a person’s genetic makeup/ genome. It can range from major to minor abnormality- from a gross abnormality involving subtraction/ addition of a whole chromosome/ set of chromosomes to a distinct mutation in one base of a particular gene’s DNA.

Some hereditary diseases are passed on from parents, whereas others result from acquired mutations/ changes in preexisting group of genes or one preexisting gene.

In most cases, mutations are caused by environmental exposure. In other cases, however, they occur randomly.

Types of inheritance

Hereditary diseases are usually caused by one of the following types of inheritance:

1. Single gene inheritance

2. Mitochondrial inheritance

3. Multi-factorial inheritance

4. Chromosome abnormalities

Single Gene Inheritance

Also referred to as monogenetic/ Mendelian inheritance, single gene inheritance occurs as a result of mutations/ changes in a single gene’s DNA sequence. There are over 6,000 single-gene hereditary diseases, and most of them occur in approximately 1/ 200 births.

Examples of disorders caused by this type of inheritance are; cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, sickle-cell anemia, Huntington’s diseases as well as Marfan syndrome.

Mitochondrial inheritance

This is a type of hereditary disorder caused by changes/ mutations in mitochondria’s non nuclear DNA. Mitochondria are minute round organelles found in cytoplasm of cells of both plants and animals. They play an important role in cell respiration.

Examples of hereditary diseases caused by mitochondrial inheritance include; Leber’s optic atrophy, MELAS dementia and myoclonic epilepsy.

Multi-factorial inheritance

These are disorders caused by an amalgamation of mutations in manifold genes and environmental factors. For instance, genes that usually cause breast cancer vulnerability have been discovered on chromosomes six, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, seventeen and twenty-two.

Examples of multi-factorial hereditary diseases include; heart disease, obesity, hypertension, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes as well as arthritis, among others.

This type of inheritance is similarly associated with genetic traits like fingerprint patterns, skin complexion, height and color of the yes.

Chromosome abnormalities

Chromosomes are distinct structures that consist of protein and DNA, and are found in cell nuclei. Given that they’re primarily responsible\le for carrying genetic material, abnormal structure and/or number of chromosomes can cause hereditary diseases. The major cause of abnormalities is complications during the processes of cell division.

Chromosome abnormalities can cause diseases like Down syndrome, Cri-du-chat syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome as well.

Essential Healthy Lifestyle Tips You Should Know

If you are interested in living a truly healthy lifestyle, then you may need to make some drastic changes. The foods you eat are very important when it comes to your health. You want to eat a balanced diet that covers all of the food groups. This will help you look and feel you are very best. Make sure you limit your consumption of sugary foods and that you pay attention to the size of your portions. Sanitary preparation of food can also help you avoid diseases like E. Coli or Salmonella.

Most people don’t realize the amount of damage that what they drink can do to their health as well. All of that soda you drink each day can be difficult for your body to digest. Reducing the amount of sugar and caffeine that you consume will help you to feel good all day long. You won’t have to worry about periods of the day when you are sluggish.

Healthy Sleep

Get Some Nap Time As Much As You Can

Getting enough sleep is vital to your overall health. Those individuals that don’t get enough have slower reaction times and they tend to be irritable. It can make it harder to complete daily tasks and to stay focused on what you are doing. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and get up each morning at the same time.

You need to engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day regardless of how old you are. This can be walking, running, playing a sport, or a combination of things. The key to staying motivated to exercise is to choose activities that you enjoy. This way you will look forward to them instead of feeling forced to take part in them.

Even if you don’t feel bad, you need to see your doctor at least once a year for a full checkup. This way you will be able to rule out any various types of illnesses that may be affecting your body. Pay close attention to any symptoms you have in between checkups. Early intervention is one of the best ways you can find various types of illnesses.

Make sure you carefully monitor your level of stress. While some stress is normal, too much of it can definitely take a toll on you. It can affect your appetite, your attention span, and your sleep patterns. If you’re having trouble dealing with stress in your life, you may want to seek professional assistance.

Take some time for yourself too and you will be healthier. We often take on too many responsibilities and that doesn’t leave time left for relaxing activities. Try to spend a few hours each week doing something for yourself. It can be taking a bubble bath, reading, or visiting with a friend. This will help rejuvenate your mental health without too much effort.

From Shellfish Dinners to Blood Thinners: How Sharks Help Shape Our World

Sharks have terrified beachgoers ever since Jaws took a bite out of cinema history more than forty years ago. Despite the fact shark attack incidents are dropping worldwide, many still dread a deadly encounter with one of these denizens of the deep. Sharks may be far more beneficial to humans than ever imagined, however. Here are three ways sharks make an important impact in our world.

A Healthier Sea

As the ocean’s apex predator, sharks play a vital role in the underwater ecosystem. Maintaining consistent populations of aquatic plant and animal life ensures a robust environment in which species of all shapes and sizes can thrive. As scavengers, sharks devour dead and decaying matter which helps clean the water. Marine biologists and oceanographers often study these fantastic fish to help gauge the wellbeing of our oceans.

A Healthier You

Scientists have been studying the possible health benefits of sharks for years. Squalamine, a chemical compound found in the stomach of dogfish sharks, has been examined for its potential in treating macular degeneration and cancer. Anti-clotting agents in shark blood are being researched in hopes they could one day be a human blood thinner and help remedy heart disease. Some people investigate shark cartilage nzfor its use in alleviating arthritis, enteritis, psoriasis and other conditions.

A Healthier Economy

Sharks are good for businesses beyond television and film companies. The shellfish aquaculture industry, as well as our appetites, owe a debt to sharks. These mighty ocean predators prey on lesser hunters such as rays and octopi which, if left unchecked, would significantly reduce the world’s population of lobster, crab and other shellfish and limit our opportunity to sample the savory seafood. Additionally, escalating public interest in sharks has created a booming ecotourism industry. Millions of dollars are generated every year through thriving shark tourism destinations from the Caribbean to the South Pacific.

Sharks are perhaps the most maligned and misunderstood creatures in the marine world. Before drowning in fear the next time you visit the beach, consider the many ways in which sharks make for a healthier world.